Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Custom Tattoo Shop vs Street Tattoo Shop

It was interesting to have a conversation with one of the artist at Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo about the difference between a so called Custom Tattoo shops and So called regular Street Tattoo Shops. What is the definition of a Custom only shop? This is a shop that is more like a private studio only that sets a large amount of money as its shops minimum. Some of these custom shops have $100 minimums up to $250 Minimums. It sounds like a great place to work as an artist doesn't it? You would figure the artist is making a whole lot of money wouldn't you? If you said yes I would have to disagree. Just because a shop has a high minimum that doesn't mean that the artist will make the money. For one to be charging that high of a price you better be a national known artist. Or you have to have a strong following of clients that will be able to afford the prices in the first place. Artist who wish to work in to these types of shops have to have a strong business plan because regular walk-in clients will 99% of the time will refuse to pay those inflated prices. If an artist does nothing but work the convention circuit I believe it is totally possible to bring in those types of figures. A booth at a convention circuit usually averages $6,000 on a weekend. So yes being a custom only artist would be beneficial in that area. You will get to do the traveling and partying that comes along with the circuit.

A street level shop makes most of the industry up. Even street level shops have minimums of usually $40 bucks which on my eyes is still really stupid. The street level shop may get the business but do you really think a disappointed customer will really come back because some artist charged $40 for a name tattoo? Aberration Pro Custom Tattoo starts at only $10 bucks. We don't believe in charging the stupid prices most other shops do. We believe in a solid business model of "Putting our Customers First". That means when you walk into our shop you will be greeted and treated like part of the family. It's funny walking into the shop on a weekend and seeing the staff dancing or just having a hell of a time. We strive not only to make it a great work environment but also one customers will like coming into. We are proud to be a street shop if thats the category we are put into. Yes we have flash on the walls and books to look through. But we also have a staff of professional artist ready to draw up that custom piece. We have the best of both worlds here at Aberration. 

So the morale of the story is customers is what dictates the type of shops that are in business. Artist might think they have total control on prices and what kind of work is being put out but in reality they might be sitting out on the street wishing they would've left the Rock Star attitude at the door. Street shops will be where you start your career and more then likely finish it. Remember Rock Stars like Kat Von D is few and far in between. An artist has a real short chance in making it on TV or being a world famous tattoo artist. It will take dedication and marketing to make it to that level. Dreams are good to have but don't over reach where the dreams cannot be achieved.

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