Sunday, January 17, 2010


I know by now that the rest of you have moved on to 2010 while I, on the other hand, am running quite a bit behind. It's for that reason that I feel the need to give you the highlights, that I can remember anyway, from 2009.

First is the Minneapolis tattoo convention.
After much badgering from my coworkers, friends, and clients I was convinced to work my very first tattoo convention.

First tattoo of the convention was this frozen, bleeding, flaming heart.

Eric took tattoo of the day for this ridiculously painful lill tattoo!

Trying not to let Eric's big win go to my head, it was time to focus!

That takes us to this Abe Lincoln tattoo on Michelle AKA Tattoopie:)

It was at this point, i think, that the excitement of the convention reached it's peak!

After things calmed down a bit, and we located our 6th wind, we finished our last tattoos of the convention just in time to see the awards be handed out.

Michelle, who earlier got her Abe Lincoln tattoo, got herself a first place trophy for her Edgar Allan Poe tattoo we did on her earlier in the year!

Not to be overshadowed by a girl, Eric, who took tattoo of the day right out of the gate, decided his earlier win was just going to be the beginning! He took two more trophies for his cross back piece!

Then capped it all off by winning best in show!!

I couldn't have been happier with the way this weekend ended up, how shocking all the wins were for me, how well everyone worked together on this adventure, or how awesome all of the clients were. All in all, it was one of the most amazing times in my career!


There once was a girl with 69 boobs. (Type 69 into the calculator.)
She had too, too, too many. (Type 2 three times.)
She went to 51 St. to see Dr X. (Type 51 and a times sign.)
He gave her 8 operations. (Type eight and the equals sign.)
And in the end she was.......

Friday November 13th

I was just minding my own business, breaking mirrors, walking under ladders, and opening umbrellas indoors, when the universe decided to remind me just how lucky i really am:)

Then Mr. Hebrank attempted to ride off into the darkness with my new bike.

But, as you may have guessed, he failed:)

Kyle, my apprentice, learned quite a bit about tattooing. However, he learned very little about keeping his mouth shut.

THE coolest, slickest, smoothest, shnazziest, and certainly the sexiest tattoo aftercare card ever made! An enormous thank you goes out to Mr. Shawn Hebrank for making every single one of my visions a reality! Thanks again sir!

And this is just the front! If you want to see the back, and i know you do, your just going to have to make an appointment.

Ben finally reappeared to work on his family tree. We started this project a few years ago. It's a tree starting on his hip, going up his ribs, his chest, and his shoulder. The tree is mostly composed of his parents, three sisters, and four brothers. The way things are going we will have a finished photo for you by the end of 2010.

As 2009 grew colder and colder still, i began to feel bad for a select few people in my life who had not yet experienced the unbelievable comfort of footy pajamas. So, for X-mas, I got the whole crew some extra comfy, and possibly nostalgic, footies.

Last, but certainly not least, the piest de resistance!

Apparently little old me, and my even smaller stickers, caused quite a ruckus!
I could spend all day going over every detail that makes this so ridiculously awesome but I think these photos say it all!
Now for your viewing pleasure, the front and back of the most amazing piece of mail I have yet to receive!

On a similar note, I have been spotted at a taco bell near you:)

I'd like to close by saying thank you to everyone who made all this possible.

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